On the 22 May and 23 May we had junior elections at our school. First we had the opportunity to check the “Wahlomat”. It´s an online site which provides a questionnaire and after filling in your answers you get suggestions which party’s programm matches your opinion best. In order to participate in the elections, we got a card to get the right to vote. Then we went to the election assistants (who are participants in another EU project at our school), they gave us our ballot papers and we went in the polling booth.
The results at our school were super clear. The “Grünen” (green party) won with 48%. They stand for climate justice, gender equality and social democracy. The “SPD” (social democrats) were second with 13,5%. Then the “Linke” (socialists) got 5,6% at our school and close behind was the “CDU” (conservatives, Christian democrats) 5,2%. 5% of the students gave their vote to the “Tierschutz Partei” (animal welfare, animal rights and climate justice party). Then 4,7% voted for the ”AFD” (right-wing populists, in parts right-wing extremist political party). 4,1% voted for “Die Partei” (the party stands for work, state under the rule of law, animal welfare, promotion of elites and grassroots democratic initiatives). Some voted for “FDP” (liberals) and behind them was the party “Piraten” ( an “internet party”). Then there was “Volt” (a pro-European citizens movement) and “Tierschutz hier” (an animal welfare, animal rights and environmental policy party), both got 1,8% votes at our school. The last one is also an animal welfare, animal rights and environmental policy party named “Partei für die Tiere” that got 1,1%. In the following I will compare the junior elections in Germany. Comparison between junior elections at the Gesamtschule Brühl and the final results of junior elections in Germany. There was no compulsory elective at the junior elections at Gesamtschule Brühl. Whereas in other schools the pupils were obliged to take part in the junior election. There were fewer voters at our school than in Germany because we did not have the duty to vote.
One similarity between the junior election at Gesamtschule Brühl and in Germany is that the “Grünen” are the most popular party with a significant number of votes.
They had 33.9% of the votes in Germany. They were chosen a lot because at the moment climate protection is a big issue in politics. The “SPD” is the second-most-elected party in Germany and in Brühl. The party with the third most votes is the "CDU". They got 10.7% of all votes. In contrast, the Gesamtschule Brühl did not often vote the "CDU". The "CDU" does not arouse our interests and therefore gets fewer voters. Our student community finds that their topics are for elderly people.
The left party earned 5.4% of the votes and this corresponds with the results of Gesamtschule Brühl.
The "FDP", on the other hand, received in Germany 7.2% votes. That could mean, that we do not have so many wealthy students. The "AfD" got 6.5% votes in Germany. It was chosen more in total than at the Gesamtschule Brühl. We have some students with an immigration backgrounds and we don´t know it differently and therefore we have no prejudices.
The "PARTEI" was voted for with 6.7%. Here you can see a difference, because at Gesamtschule Brühl less voted for this party. The "PIRATEN" got 2.3% of the votes. Here you can find a similarity, as there are no major deviations from the European elections in Germany and the Gesamtschule Brühl. In Germany, the "Tierschutzpartei" was elected at 3.6%. At Gesamtschule Brühl, the pupils voted for “Tierschutzpartei” several times. This means, that our school want to know more about the animals and want to save them. The smaller parties that are classified as "Sonstige" (“others”) got 11.3%. We have been more geared to smaller parties this year, but still have chosen the larger parties.
Finally, you can say that you can´t see big difference in the larger parties. Our students at GEB voted very similar to Germany.
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