
Spiegel Online – Reporting on Brexit


The newspaper “Spiegel Online” (eng.: mirror online) does not position itself completely clearly, but when they write a comment, it would be mostly left – liberal.




Spiegel Online takes a negative view on Brexit and Boris Johnson.


A proof for that can be found in the following quotes:


“…,er (Johnson) befürchtete eine weitere Brexit-Verzögerung, wenn die Labour - Opposition bei den vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen am 12. Dezember an die Regierung käme. Zugleich gab der Regierungschef dem Parlament die Schuld an der Verzögerung. “ (https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-boris-johnson-entschuldigt-sich-fuer-verschobenen-eu-austritt-a-1294645.html)


“He (Johnson) feared another Brexit delay, if the Labour- opposition at december 12 at the early parliamentary elections come to power. At the same time the head of goverment blamed parliament of the delay.”


Für Johnson wird Farages Truppe langsam zum Angstgegner.






 “Farages group is slowly becoming the most feared opponent.”




To sum up you can say, “Spiegel Online” tries to report neutrally. But at some points they show their opinion towards Brexit and Boris Johnson, because of their left- liberal position.






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